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Warm-up or NAH!

One of the most confusing things about working out is the WARM-UPS. Should you warm-up or stretch before you workout. How long should your warm-up be? What muscles should you be warming up? How intense should your warm-up be? It can be overwhelming when the fitness industry say otherwise.

So depending on what you are warming up for either a marathon, basketball game, or even a heavy lifting. You want to make sure you warm up the muscles that you will be using for your workouts. The warm ups can range anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Enough time to wake up the proper muscles and your nervous system. Now depending on what kind of activity you're doing, you should do dynamic movements to get the blood flowing, getting that pre-sweat in. Bringing your heart rate up to at least 50%-60% percent of maximum rate. Dynamic warm ups can be as simple as doing some light jogging or dancing.

Depending on what muscles or what I plan to workout, I love to do some slow motion circles clockwise and counterclockwise. Starting from your head and slowly working down to your feet. Another movement that I started to include in my warm ups were animal walks or crawls, really great way to get that neuromuscular function.

There are endless reasons to warm up, so you should forget to warm up. Make sure to change it up, since the warm up is part of your workout, make it fun. Don't be that guy on the treadmill sprinting, until he is tired completely, try something differently. If you have any questions about what I do send me an email, or visit me on my social media accounts.

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